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Qualities Needed to Become a Quality Control Manager

A quality control manager is responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of the products she inspects. An effective quality control manager must have the right combination of traits. These include, but are not limited to, accuracy, attention to detail and a complete understanding of the products for which she is responsible.
First and foremost, a quality control manager must thoroughly understand the products she reviews. Whether she reviews materials off an assembly line or mortgage loan documents, she must know those products inside and out to be able to properly identify any issues. Even if there are multiple people involved in the creation process, she must know each of their functions to be able to ensure full quality in the final product.
Attention to Detail
A quality control manager can’t afford to gloss over a product in her review. She must be meticulous and detailed in examining all aspects of the finished product. The product a company puts out will dictate much of its reputation. If a quality control manager allows mistakes to go through to the final product distributed to the consumer, it will damage that reputation. This is why the ability to pay attention to detail is a critical trait of a quality control manager.
While a quality control manager’s review should be thorough and all-encompassing, she must also be able to perform a number of duties in a timely fashion. This is especially true for a company that puts out a number of different products. If the quality control manager is responsible for more than one product, she must be able to allot appropriate review time to multiple items. She must be thorough and timely in her review of each, making multitasking a very important skill.
When all is said and done, a quality control manager must be able to properly convey her findings and concerns with the products she reviews. She is responsible for catching errors and reporting them to the appropriate departments. If she does not communicate the need for corrective actions accurately, the mistakes will recur. This could not only lead to the quality control manager having to catch the errors again, but it increases the risk of a faulty product going out to the public.
Carl Carabelli has been writing in various capacities for more than 15 years. He has utilized his creative writing skills to enhance his other ventures such as financial analysis, copywriting and contributing various articles and opinion pieces. Carabelli earned a bachelor's degree in communications from Seton Hall and has worked in banking, notably commercial lending, since 2001.
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