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Job Description for a Checker

Retail checking may seem to be a simplistic job, but it can actually entail a variety of small tasks. The job of a checker varies from store to store, though there are some aspects that are standard job requirements no matter where you work. These tasks entail counting till, customer service, manual labor, cash counting, credit and debit card handling, cleanup, the memorization of product codes and much more.
Starting Till
Before the cashier is able to start his shift, he must count the till in the registers. Each store has a pre-set amount of money that each till should contain. In most stores it is the cashier's responsibility to make sure the correct amount is there before the first transaction takes place.
Customer Service
Once the till is counted, the cashier types her employee code into the cash register to activate it. Then, she can check out customers. This can entail helping customers unload their cart, scanning the items, looking for products the customers couldn't find, replacing damaged items, bagging groceries, reloading the cart, weighing fruit, vegetables and certain loose items, typing in product codes that won't scan or codes that are for weighable items and taking payment. Some cashiers also sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. These sales can only be done by those of a certain age, depending on the state's laws.
Taking Payment
There are several payment processes that most cashiers must know, including food stamps, WIC (Women's, Infants and Children public health program), credit card, debit card, checks and cash. The cashier must know how each process works so that he can help the customer if they are having a problem. He also will need to know how to do cash-back transactions and return change, and in some cases he will handle exchanges.
Most stores require the cashier to keep her station clean and tidy. This can include wiping down the conveyor belt and register, front face the shelves at the register and picking up trash that customers leave on the checkout area. Front facing means bringing products to the front of the shelf to give them the look of fullness.
Ending Till
At the end of the day the cashier is usually required to count the till before he clocks out. He writes down the total, subtracts the day's profits and sees if the total equals the beginning till number. If the till is incorrect the cashier must fill out a form stating that the till is short and that he understands the next time the till is short, he may be subject to disciplinary action. Usually, the manager and the cashier must sign this form.
Since 1998 Alina McKee has written for dozens of traditional and online beauty, fashion, health and parenting publications including, Mama Health and Real Beauty. As a professional artist, her articles about these subjects have been used in magazines and websites around the globe. McKee has a diploma in fine art from Stratford Art School.
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