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What Is a Clerical Supervisor?

The way the world does business has changed and many duties, which would have been done by professional staff are now done by clerical workers. They keep businesses and organizations running smoothly by organizing communication, doing research and supervising secretaries and administrative assistants.
Clerical supervisors train and supervise clerical employees, resolve employee disputes, evaluate workers and help with clerical tasks.
Working Conditions
Clerical supervisors work in hospitals, clinics, businesses and government offices. They work regular business hours and are often sitting for long periods of time. Carpal tunnel syndrome and eye strains are common in this profession.
Many clerical supervisors began as administrative assistants or secretaries and are often promoted within the organization or business. Continuing education and job experience are essential for promotion. Extra training in computers, word processing and human resources will make a candidate stand out, as well as extensive knowledge of the company.
According to, the average salary for a clerical supervisor is $48,643 a year, but can vary widely depending on the location and employer.
Since clerical workers and supervisors are so vital to their organizations, there are very few temporary or part-time jobs.
Theresa Bruno began her writing career as a librarian in 2008. She published an article in "Indiana Libraries" and has written many book reviews for "American Reference Book Annual" and "Reference and User Services Quarterly." Before becoming a writer, Bruno received a bachelor's degree in history/religious studies from Butler University and taught American history at Ivy Tech Community College.
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Klaus Vedfelt/Taxi/GettyImages