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Job Description for an Instrumentation Specialist

An instrumentation specialist plays a support role in an organization that relies heavily on equipment, devices and tools for production or operations. Primary duties involve planning and design, installation, repair and maintenance of equipment. Many organizations, including school districts, government offices and private companies, use instrumentation specialists.
Design and Installation
In a new building or office, or in preparation of an update, an instrumentation specialist helps prepare plans for equipment and instruments. When the equipment arrives, the specialist oversees or helps install it. After installation, he tests and calibrates the devices to ensure they work and perform the tasks needed within the organization. Once everything's ready to go, the specialist lets a supervisor know that the equipment's operational.
Maintenance and Repair
A primary ongoing role of the specialist is to monitor, test, clean and repair equipment and tools to ensure ongoing operations or production capabilities. In a manufacturing plant, for instance, continuously working machines are vital to meeting project demands. In some organizations, the specialist routinely tests and cleans equipment. The specialist handles basic maintenance, makes fixes and calibrates tools. If more extensive repairs are necessary, he coordinates with external providers.
Leadership and Support
The instrumentation specialist often plays a leadership role as well as a support role. He supports the work of production workers or organizational employees who use the equipment he maintains. This role often involves regular meetings and interaction with company, office or department managers. The instrumentation specialist may also lead a staff of maintenance personnel who assist in the ongoing process of cleaning, monitoring and repairing equipment.
Background Requirements
Specific requirements for this job vary by industry and employer, but this position isn't entry-level. It requires a combination of educational and work experience background. You usually need at least an associate degree in electronics, instrumentation technology or a similar field. To gain this position, you also should have at least three to five years of technical experience related to the types of equipment you must maintain. Physical abilities, planning, organizing and leadership are all desired skills.
Neil Kokemuller has been an active business, finance and education writer and content media website developer since 2007. He has been a college marketing professor since 2004. Kokemuller has additional professional experience in marketing, retail and small business. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Iowa State University.
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