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Job Description for an E&I Engineer

An electrical and instrumentation engineer develops, tests or improves electronic instrumentation equipment. Electronic instrumentation is an engineered device or instrument that measures flow, temperature or pressure in an automated or controlled systems environment. This equipment is used in industries such as defense, manufacturing and energy.
Most employers require a master's degree in electrical engineering, and are willing to consider a bachelor's degree for a candidate with extensive instrumentation design experience.
In many cases, these professionals are involved with the entire design process, including mechanical, electrical and control hardware of instrumentation devices. Qualifications can require more than 10 years of experience in one or all of these engineering disciplines.
Working cohesively with other engineers, these professionals assist in developing a process to accomplish design projects in a cost-effective and timely manner. Projects are organized, and responsibilities are distributed to ensure quality equipment design.
These professionals use design software to create the equipment, which includes mechanical, electrical and control system parts. Testing equipment is done following testing policies and procedures to ensure the product functions properly and adheres to administered regulations.
A national average salary of $86,000 per year is listed in January 2010.
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