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Good Objectives for Cleaning Resumes

Creating a good objective for a cleaning resume is important as the objective performs three vital functions. First, it tells the resume reader who you are professionally. Second, it gives the reader an idea of what kinds of experience you have. Third, it explains why the company should hire you. If that sounds like a lot, it is. However, if you follow the proper format and do it carefully, a well-written objective can make the proper first impression and get you one step closer to an interview.
Scan the job listing and any company literature you can put your hands on. Many larger and even some smaller companies are using software to screen resumes. You want to identify the keywords they will be looking for so that you can include them in your objective and resume as a whole. Look for nouns and adjectives that describe employees and potential employees.
Introduce Yourself
The first goal of the resume objective is to let the screening or interview committee know who you are. For a resume in the cleaning industry, introduce yourself with the job description in mind. As long as your qualifications work, use the exact term the company uses: For instance, “Professional Maintenance Specialist…”
Include Some Detail
Next, mention a few key areas where your experience matches what the company needs. Items such as large facility cleaning, basic plumbing, machinery experience or certification all can appear here: For example, “ Professional Maintenance Specialist with 10 years experience in large facility maintenance, including landscaping and refurbishing….”
Give Them a Reason to Interview You
Finally, you need to tell the committee why the company should call you in for an interview over the next candidate. Resist the temptation to give a reason for wanting the job that focuses on you and your career goals. Tell them what you can do for them. For instance, “ Professional Maintenance Specialist with 10 years experience in large facility maintenance, including landscaping and refurbishing, seeks cleaning position in a large multi-faceted facility where I can use my varied experience to be a go-to member of a maintenance team.”
- "Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer;" Susan Britton Whitcomb; 2010
Steve Bradley is an educator and writer with more than 12 years of experience in both fields. He maintains a career as an English teacher, also owning and operating a resume-writing business. Bradley has experience in retail, fashion, marketing, management and fitness. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and classics.