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How to Present a Resume

Your resume is the most important part of your job search. It's the first thing prospective employers will look at and it's the basis for your entire interview.With the Internet becoming more integral to the job search, a resume is often the only thing a company will see of you before contacting you for an interview. Often, you can be solicited by someone who has seen your resume, though you never even sent to them.
Start your resume with a bold, eye-catching heading that includes your name and all of your contact information.
Make sure your resume is well-written. This is your first impression and you don't want any typos, mistakes, or language that is clunky or hard to understand. Have a few people you know read it and make corrections. Revise and re-revise.
Go to an office supply or stationery store and purchase nice resume paper (linen or cotton), black matte folders and business card templates that match your paper.
Print your resume on the nice paper. On a separate sheet, print out a list of at least three personal references, formatted similarly to your resume. On the references sheet, reiterate your contact information.
Print the business cards with your name. Place one in the card-holder slot in each folder. This adds a professional touch and ensures that the employer remembers your name.
Place the resume and references inside the folder, with the resume on top.
Bring this to your next interview.
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Михаил Руденко/iStock/GettyImages