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How to Use Page Numbers on a Resume

Job seekers are often told to keep their resume to one page. This advice makes sense for new job seekers--they don’t have the experience to warrant more than a one-page document. Developing a resume of two pages or more is appropriate if you’re an experienced worker. It's difficult to explain your education and relevant experience in one page. If you opt for a multipage resume, label it properly with your name and page numbers to make your document look professional and polished.
Determine if you need more than one resume page. The final page of the document should be at least half-full. If this isn’t possible, condense your resume; don’t add extraneous material to fill space.
Add a header to your resume. Word processing programs have a function that allows you to add header information to all pages of your document. For your resume, include your full name along with a page number and align it in the upper-right-hand corner of the page.
Your header should read something similar to this:
Review your resume for continuity. Ensure that your page header includes the correct name and number on each page of your resume.
Directions for adding page numbers and headers to your document vary among word processing programs. Consult your program's help menu if you're unsure how to add this information to your resume.
Be sure to "top load" your resume by including all important information at the beginning. Employers spend only a minute or two looking at each resume they receive; if yours doesn't capture their attention, they won't look at the rest of the document.
- Directions for adding page numbers and headers to your document vary among word processing programs. Consult your program's help menu if you're unsure how to add this information to your resume.
- Be sure to "top load" your resume by including all important information at the beginning. Employers spend only a minute or two looking at each resume they receive; if yours doesn't capture their attention, they won't look at the rest of the document.
Lea Winters has written professionally since 2003. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications, covering entertainment, style and beauty topics. Winters holds a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Science in international business from the University of Nebraska.
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Sitthiphong Thadakun / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages