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How to Format a Header for a Two-Page Resume

The amount of experience and education you have dictates the length of your resume. Although the rule of thumb has typically been to limit the resume to no more than a page, this is not realistic for everyone. Entry-level professionals may be able to fit all of their information on one page, while someone with many years of experience may need more space. If your resume runs longer than a page, you'll need to label the additional pages. This helps employers receiving multiple resumes to keep track of your paperwork while also showing that you are highly organized.
Find a natural break in your resume to begin the second page. It is fine to break in the middle of a section, but do not break up sentences within a job description or educational listing. The page that ends your resume should be at least one-third full of type.
Add the header on your second page when you have completed your resume, not before. This saves time and helps you choose the best placement for the header.
Select a method for adding your header. If your word processing program allows you to add automatic headers at the top of each page, use this method. But choose the option in your header formatting menu to omit the header on the first page, because already have your contact information at the top of page one. Include your name and "Resume Page 2" in the header. You may also simply type your name and "Resume Page 2" at the top of the second page and any additional pages you have. Left-justify the header and leave several line spaces below it before the rest of your resume starts.
Make your header stand out. Use a font one size larger than the font you used for the rest of the resume. Bold or italicize the header as well.
If your resume runs more than two pages, use a "Page of " format to guide readers through your document.
- If your resume runs more than two pages, use a "Page __ of __" format to guide readers through your document.
Erin Stertz-Follett has been writing professionally since 1999 and has diverse experience in advertising media planning for clients including Arctic Cat. In addition to her work with Demand Studios, Stertz-Follett has authored numerous curricula used for employment-related workshops to help job seekers find career success. Stertz-Follett holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism-mass communication from the University of St. Thomas.
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