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How to Become a Handbag Dealer
If you have great style, a love for bags and a knack for business, you may be well suited to be a handbag dealer. As a handbag dealer, you decide what merchandise to purchase and then sell to your customers. It’s a competitive business, so it's important to set your shop apart from the crowd.
Choose what kind of bags you want to sell. Decide whether you want to sell expensive brand-name bags or knockoffs. Your business can also showcase a particular designer's collection of handbags.
Visit handbag stores and study how they operate. Check out their inventory and prices. Browse designer stores such as Louis Vuitton and Coach if you want to sell high-end bags.
Investigate handbag suppliers. Ask potential suppliers for price quotes and delivery information. Look for suppliers who have distinctive and quality bags in their catalog. Ask suppliers where they sell their handbags so you know how many handbag dealers would have the same merchandise as you.
Make your bags known. Create a catalog of the bags, including pictures and prices, and show it to your friends. Advertise your handbags in the local newspaper to reach a wider audience. Call people that you know and tell them that you are selling handbags and ask them to spread the word.
Add special touches to your handbag business. Try offering a small gift--such as a key chain or bag accessory--with every handbag purchased. Offer customers a cold or warm drink to make them feel comfortable as they browse through your inventory.
Before starting out on your own, get a job in a handbag shop to learn the business from the bottom.
Tzvi Raphael has worked with Fortune 500 companies helping them to maximize their online brand exposure through innovative Web design, content, and marketing. Additionally, Raphael is a writer for multiple high-traffic blogs and websites including eHow and Weight Ladder.
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