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How to Become a Dropship Wholesale Distributor

Dropship wholesale distributing has revolutionized the way that e-commerce is done, as marketers no longer need to have items in stock. A wider variety of products can be sold through one distributor, thus enhancing the visibility for consumers. Dropshippers have access to wholesale prices, enabling them to sell items more cheaply than traditional middle-men, but still act in the same capacity in that they communicate with warehouses and distribution centers to have the packages sent directly to the consumer.
Evaluate your different options for the type of products to offer through your storefront. Your storefront can either be online websites, auction sites (such as eBay), or live stores out on the street corner. Ideally, you want to be passionate about your products, which will lead to enthusiastic marketing and communication about why consumers should buy their products from you.
Create a list of companies that offer the type of products for which you want to become a dropship reseller. Do an Internet search for those companies along with the search terms "dropship wholesaler," "company wholesale," "dropshipper," or "dropship reseller." Contact the manufacturer of the specific products you want to sell and ask them for the names and phone numbers of distributors who handle their products. Contact the distributors and ask if they provide dropship services to resellers.
Look for directories of dropship wholesale supplies if you still cannot find any distributors for the product that you want to sell. Some of these directories, such as, require an initial startup fee for access to their list of thousands of suppliers. Directories such as this also offer other analytic tools to help determine the viability of the market for your products and services. Dropshipper does not require any start-up fees, but it has a more limited number of suppliers.
Phone the wholesalers that you found on your Internet search. Have your list handy of the specific products you are looking to sell. You may settle on more than one dropship wholesaler with which to do business.
Market and promote your merchandise via the Internet, magazines, newspapers or a combination of media to reach your target audience. Once established and you have operated your business successfully for a while, consider adding more products to your items for sale to help keep customers returning for more.
Marketing a "virtual store" on the Internet requires much diligence in promoting your website and products. This can be a full-time job laying the groundwork, not only setting up the site but also investigating ways to get noticed by search engines and your target audience, such as by trading website links with other sites that offer products that would also be of interest to your customers.
- Marketing a "virtual store" on the Internet requires much diligence in promoting your website and products. This can be a full-time job laying the groundwork, not only setting up the site but also investigating ways to get noticed by search engines and your target audience, such as by trading website links with other sites that offer products that would also be of interest to your customers.
David McGuffin is a writer from Asheville, N.C. and began writing professionally in 2009. He has Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of North Carolina, Asheville and Montreat College in history and music, and a Bachelor of Science in outdoor education. McGuffin is recognized as an Undergraduate Research Scholar for publishing original research on postmodern music theory and analysis.