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Reset Merchandiser Job Description

Brick-and-mortar retail is all about merchandising. If the customer can't find it, you won't sell it. All retail businesses employ a position, such as a sales manager, responsible for ensuring that products are merchandised to maximize sales. In most brick-and-mortar stores, the sales manager hires a merchandising manager or reset manager to handle the physical duties of merchandising.
In retail, a "reset" is when you merchandise, or rearrange, the store in order to drive sales and showcase new products.
Usually a reset is planned out by the corporation and communicated down the chain to the individual stores. A visual planner is provided either in hard copy or over an intranet. Also, the sales manager for each store usually holds authority to dictate re-merchandising based on trends.
Time Table
A standard, weekly merchandising reset is usually scheduled near the beginning of the week. Depending on the size of the store and man-hours allotted, it may take as few as two days or the entire week.
Additional Duties
The reset manager may also be responsible for reporting sales figures and trends to his supervisor as well as making sure that all on-sale products are clearly marked and previous sale signage has been removed.
Trade Tricks
Great merchandisers know a little about feng shui and create flow and energy by visually balancing a room using the structures and furniture at hand.
- Anthony Everette; Former Sales Manager Borders Books; Tallahassee, Florida
Penny Ray has been employed in media for the past 12 years. His career started as a radio broadcaster and developed into copy writing and editing. Ray has been educated and trained in music production and business management, while his recent writing focuses on budget living. He currently writes for the budget living blog and has had numerous articles published through eHow.
Photo Credits
Siri Stafford/Photodisc/Getty Images