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Visual Merchandiser Sample Resume

As a visual merchandiser, it's your job to create eye-catching displays that encourage people to buy products at their favorite stores. When applying for merchandising jobs, it's essential that your resume is just as attention-grabbing, so it stands out to potential employers. Your resume should effectively communicate who you are and what you have to offer, and it should present you as a qualified merchandiser.
Contact Information
Your resume must have a brief heading with all of your relevant contact information. Include your full name, home address, phone number and email address. Include a link to your online portfolio or website that features samples of visual merchandising work you've done. This way the reader can easily see examples of your creativity and taste on the Internet -- and get a real feel for your capabilities as a merchandiser.
Personal Statement or Summary
According to Forbes, most employers skip over objective statements, so don't waste valuable resume space on writing one. Instead, include a brief personal statement about your vision as a visual merchandiser. Briefly discuss what attracted you to the industry and your process for selecting products to display. Alternatively, write a brief summary of your qualifications that tells the reader why you're the best merchandiser for the job. Outline your education and experience, and then use the body of your resume to elaborate on these points. If you're replying to a job posting that included a list of qualifications for the position, pull keywords from the post and work them into your summary or statement. This will catch the reader's attention and encourage him to read the rest of your resume thoroughly.
Work Experience
Devote an entire section of your resume to the experience you have working in merchandising. List the companies you've worked for and list the duties you've held as a merchandiser, such as organizing displays, working with sales teams, developing sales strategies or managing store inventory. If you have limited experience in merchandising, list any internships. If you have any other experience working in fashion or retail, use it to supplement your experience.
Skills and Achievements
Employers are attracted to candidates who possess a strong and diverse skill set, so include a section that outlines your strongest skills related to visual merchandising. This could include knowledge of color schemes and textile pairings, time-management skills, visual-planning skills or decision-making abilities. You might also include skills that aren't directly related to merchandising but are helpful in your career, such as foreign language or communication skills. Include a list of your professional achievements. For example, state that your displays led to sales increases for a previous employer or that you were promoted to lead merchandiser for a former company because of your performance.
Include a section that outlines your education. Include the level of your merchandising degree as well as the name of the school you attended. If you've taken any continuing education courses in merchandising, list these as well. Consider listing a few advanced courses you took, as well as any non-merchandising education you possess. This will help show that you're a well-rounded candidate with a strong academic background.
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