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How to Become a Distributor for Interstate Batteries

Becoming a distributor for a well-known company allows you to take advantage of an established business by selling their products and services without becoming a traditional employee. A distributor with Interstate Batteries sells the batteries that charge devices, machines and vehicles people use every day. The company, which is now in its 60th year in business, has a number of financial requirements that must be fulfilled before you can be approved for distributorship.
History of Interstate Batteries
Company founder John Searcy began selling car batteries out of the back of his truck in Texas in the spring of 1950. Within two years, he opened Interstate Battery System -- named after the interstate that was then being constructed to facilitate cross-country vehicle travel. By the 1980s, Interstate Battery had distributors selling products in all 50 states and Canada. Today, there are 300 wholesale warehouses providing products to more than 200,000 distributors and dealers around the world.
Financial Requirements
Interstate Battery seeks candidates who have a minimum of $200,000 in liquid assets and $500,000 net worth, though these amounts can vary based on the size of your intended distributorship. The company also requires that you secure financing in addition to your personal capital. Check with your bank or loan provider for further information about business loans since requirements -- like collateral or down payment -- can vary by financial institution.
Ideal Distributor Candidate
Interstate Batteries seeks a number of characteristics in potential distributor candidates. First and foremost, the individual must be knowledgeable about the local battery market, and be committed to marketing products in a way that both respects the brand's image and complies with the company's business ethics and integrity. Interstate also seeks distributors who have a track record of effective and efficient business management, who specifically have the desire to own and operate a family-run business.
How to Apply
If you are interested in becoming a distributor for Interstate Batteries and feel that you can meet the financial obligations set forth by the company, there are two ways to apply. One option is to visit the "High Voltage Opportunities" page, in references, and fill out the form at the bottom. Otherwise, call the company's distributor customer service at 972-455-6566 to speak with a live representative.
Based in Tampa, Fla., Danielle Fernandez been writing, editing and illustrating all things technology, lifestyle and education since 1999. Her work has appeared in the Tampa Tribune, Working Mother magazine, and a variety of technical publications, including BICSI's "Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual." Fernandez holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of South Florida.
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