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Recognizing a Good Manager

Most people working today have at least one manager they report to. So, it’s important to be able to recognize a good supervisor because she will affect you, your co-workers and the company you work for in significant ways. A couple traits of a good boss can be spotted right away, while others can only be observed with time.
One of the first and most easily recognizable indicators of a good manager is that he is friendly. The relationship you have with your supervisor will affect your attitude and performance at work. Great managers understand this and make an effort to have meaningful relationships with their employees. In fact, a “Gallup Business Journal” study found that workers who are close friends with their supervisor are 2.5 times more likely to be satisfied at work. This is important because satisfied employees are usually more effective and productive.
You can recognize an effective manager by observing her communication style and techniques. Good bosses communicate clear expectations. Their employees understand exactly what is expected of them and how they should go about accomplishing these tasks. A good manager also makes frequent contact with her workers to make sure they understand their expectations and have the tools and resources to achieve them. These frequent conversations will also lead to brainstorming, relationship building, problem-solving and innovation. A good supervisor understands that her employees’ opinions and ideas are valuable and greatly contribute to the success of the company.
Team Recognition
A good manager recognizes the fact that success is accomplished by a team effort. Therefore, you can spot an effective boss when you hear him use words like “the team”, “us” and “we," rather than “I” and “me." This type of manager will also praise good team players who help the company reach its goals and maintain its standards of excellence. Recognition is a powerful tool that effective managers should utilize thoughtfully and consistently. A 2012 survey by the Society of Human Resources Management/Globoforce found that companies with an employee recognition program reported an increase in employee productivity, engagement and retention as well as company profits and customer retention.
You can recognize a good manager by watching what she focuses on. For example, she will focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. She will assign responsibilities that require you to use your strengths so that you can grow professionally and personally. An effective supervisor will also focus on solutions, not problems. It’s easy for most people to recognize and voice problems. A good boss will indeed see the problem, but instead focus most of her time, energy and conversations on fixing the problem.
Sydney Neely has worked in the education arena for more than 10 years, teaching general education, the arts, communication and finance. She holds Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees from Arizona State University. Neely also holds several state and federal financial licenses in life insurance and investments (Series 6 and 63).
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