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What Are Achievements for a Supervisor?

Supervisors are entrusted with the responsibility of training and motivating employees. Great supervisors inspire workers to exceed goals and make a vital contribution to the organization. A supervisor is evaluated by their ability to motivate their employees to achieve and exceed company goals. The best supervisors realize that they achieve by empowering others to excel. When an employee gets ahead in the company, the supervisor should be congratulated for a job well done.
Employee Motivation
A supervisor's achievements are judged by their ability to train and motivate employees. As the leader, a supervisor must connect with each employee and learn enough about that employee to understand how best to motivate them. Each person has different dreams and goals. An effective supervisor identifies an employee's dreams and desires early on. There is plenty of time during training to get to know an employee and to build the trust necessary to get them to open up and share this vital information. Once the trust is in place, an employee will want to please the supervisor. Establishing this type of relationship is critical for supervisor and employee success.
Encouraging Communication
Astute supervisors know that a good working relationship is no mistake and is all about communication. To get the most effort out of employees, they must understand what is expected of them. Supervisors should provide clear goals for an employee so that every associate fully understands what is expected of them. Providing timely feedback is also an important way to motivate team members. Managers should also lavish praise on employees who are doing well and provide constructive criticism as needed in private.
Faciltate Advancement
One of the best ways to succeed as a supervisor is to motivate your employees to exceed goals and get promoted. Consistently promoting employees who perform well has a fabulous impact on new employees who see that they will be promptly rewarded for good work and commitment. A good supervisor clearly defines the career path for team members. Discussing the exact steps are required for promotion provides team members with definable goals.
Firm Success
A supervisor's greatest achievement is to meet and exceed company objectives. The only way to achieve this goal is to train and motivate employees so well that they work as a unified team to accomplish company objectives. Leading by example and exuding a positive attitude gains the respect required to get the best from the staff. Acting as a coach and a mentor, and pitching in to work with employees when it makes sense promotes a positive work environment. Effective supervisors are good leaders who are trusted and admired by employees.
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Belinda Tucker has been a professional writer since 1983. She has published articles in "Surviving Career Transitions," Healthy by Choice," Eleanor's Eyes" and "Congestive Heart Failure." Tucker holds a Bachelor of Science in industrial management from Georgia Institute of Technology.
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