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Duties & Responsibilities of Supervisors

Being hired in a supervisor position is an honor and the temptation to immediately accept such an honor might be high. Before accepting the position you should be aware of all the duties and responsibilities the job entails. Supervisors have multiple responsibilities and the job can be significantly difficult at times. Employees will look to you for answers in times of trouble, and higher employment may seem to expect the nearly impossible.
The supervisor of a company or department must be immediately aware if there is a job opening. The supervisor is also responsible for creating new job opportunities if she notices an area is lacking. In the case of a new opening, the supervisor must first get approval from upper management. The supervisor then places employment advertisements, sifts through resumes, and schedules and conducts interviews. Once a candidate is chosen, the supervisor makes sure all necessary paperwork has been provided and filled out, such as tax forms. Supervisors must also decide upon and provide salary, or pay rates.
If a supervisor is not directly responsible for training a new employee himself, he is responsible for finding someone to train her. He is also responsible for creating training or orientation programs and making sure every new employee completes the training process and is ready before starting work.
Work Assignments
Supervisors are responsible for giving out work assignments to their employees and ensuring that each employee understands the assignment and is completing his assignments correctly and on time.
Performance Evaluations
Supervisors review their employees’ performances. A supervisor needs to give constructive criticism and reward his employees when they are doing a good job. A supervisor should give a balanced amount of criticism and praise to each employee. If an employee is not doing his job, a supervisor may have to terminate the worker. A supervisor should know when the appropriate time to fire someone is, and when it is not appropriate.
A supervisor is responsible for scheduling her employees work times. She is also responsible for approving vacation time, sick time, overtime and leave of absence requests. If she approves free time for an employee, she is responsible for making sure that time slot is replaced by another employee of equal qualifications.
Solving Conflicts
Supervisors are responsible for listening to complaints and concerns of his employees. He is also responsible for making sure all conflicts are resolved. If mentoring or counseling is needed, he is also responsible for providing it.
Safety Procedures
It is the duty of all supervisors to be knowledgeable about safety laws, policies and procedures of her state, city and company. It is her responsibility to make sure those procedures are safely acted upon and regulated. When an employee gets hurt, injured, or sick at work, it is her responsibility to take proper legal action.
Naomi Vogel started writing professionally in 2009. Vogel has written for "Volume One," "The Leader Telegram," "Spiral Natural Foods" and "The Student Voice." Vogel has a bachelor's degree in journalism and theater from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Vogel received the Journalism of Excellence Award from her university in 2010.
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