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How to Apply for Manufacturer License Plates

License plates are used to help identify your vehicle, and are required by law for security purposes. Any type of vehicle that travels on United States streets and highways must have a current license plate. This includes vehicles produced by manufacturers that are intended for sale to another individual. Special manufacturer license plates must be acquired for such vehicles. These plates can be obtained by visiting your state's Department of Motor Vehicles website, submitting an application and paying any applicable fees.
Go to the website for your state's Motor Vehicle Division or Department of Motor Vehicles. Locate the information that is provided for manufacturer's license plates. This may be labeled “Dealers,” “Manufacturers,” “Distributors” or something similar.
Click on the application form, then print it. Complete the application, which may require you to specify what type of vehicles your company manufactures, your federal tax ID number and the names of the business owner and partners.
Obtain a check or money order for the price of the license plates. This amount varies by state, and is listed on the website.
Make a copy of the sales tax certificate that was provided by your state's Department of Revenue.
Mail the completed application, the check or money order and the sales tax certificate copy to your state's Motor Vehicles Department. The address is typically printed on the application.
Melissa King began writing in 2001. She spent three years writing for her local newspaper, "The Colt," writing editorials, news stories, product reviews and entertainment pieces. She is also the owner and operator of Howbert Freelance Writing. King holds an Associate of Arts in communications from Tarrant County College.
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