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How to Write a Resume for a Grant

Applying for a grant is a complicated process, and more often than not, you will be facing a lot of competition. Submitting a strong résumé and cover letter with your grant application is important. While there is no specific format for a résumé for a grant that is different than a résumé for a job, there are a few things you can do to make your résumé particularly appealing in the eyes of the committee considering your grant application.
Open a new Word document. Create a centered header with your name and contact information. Be sure your email address sounds professional, such as [email protected]. Academics and professors will not appreciate a funny or inappropriate email address.
Write the heading "Objective" in all caps and state your goal as it relates to the grant you are seeking and how you plan on using it. This goal should not focus on how the grant will benefit you, but rather your project or study.
Write the heading "Education" and list your most recent degree first, moving on in reverse chronological order. Include not only the name of the institution, the type of degree and the date you received it, but also any and all information in regards to your GPA, your class rank, your theses, honors or any other achievements that were a highlight of your time there that will catch the eye of the committee.
Enter the heading "Experience" and list your work experience, beginning with the most recent. List only jobs or volunteer experience you have had that are relevant to the grant you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for an educational grant, mention your student teaching experience, but do not include your retail job. Include the name of the company or organization, your job title and the window of time you worked there, along with a list of duties.
Write the heading "Skills" and list any skills you possess that will show the committee that you are capable of fully carrying out your promise if awarded the grant.
Type the heading "Awards and Accolades" and list any awards you have received, in reverse chronological order, that are related either to the topic of your project or that highlight one of the skills you mentioned in the previous section.
Write the heading "References" and list five to eight personal references, preferably in the field related to the grant you are applying for, and include their job titles, companies and contact information.
Kara Page has been a freelance writer and editor since 2007. She maintains several blogs on travel, music, food and more. She is also a contributing writer for Suite101 and has articles published on eHow and Answerbag. Page holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of North Texas.
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