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How to Promote Grant Writing Experience on Your Resume

If you have some grant writing experience, highlighting your credentials on your resume can help you land a position where you can blossom as a fundraiser or grant writer. As with all resumé work history, it's important to account for the impact your work had on your organization and the objective results for which you were responsible. Keep track of the numbers of grants and dollar amounts that you have helped to raise throughout your grant writing career and include that information on your resumé.
Format the work history section of your resumé to reflect grant writing or any other type of writing that you have done in the past. As you plan your resumé, make a short list of the core values that you want reflected in your work history, and craft your resumé around those values. Ideally, your purpose or career goal should reflect your core values as well.
List the grant writing and fundraising positions you have held, including the dates you held those positions. If you have worked as a freelance grant writer, list yourself as a freelancer and include the dates that you have been freelancing your services. Also list some of the organizations that you have secured grants for as part of your work history.
Write a summary statement of your grant writing expertise, and include the specific dollar value of some of the bigger grants that your current or past employers have received because of your work. Alternatively, you may also list the responsibilities that you carried out in submitting and maintaining the grant, including your strategies building and maintaining relationships with the foundations or funding sources of the grants you helped win. If you do not have a strong record of winning grants as the primary grant writer, list the ones that you have assisted in the writing and submission process.
To reinforce your writing credentials, list other writing jobs you have held. Also include management-level positions where you were responsible for budgets and program planning, as those are specific skills required for writing and submitting grants. Listing other nonprofit jobs or volunteer work can also highlight your familiarity with the nonprofit industry, which is an important factor that employers look for when reviewing resumés for grant writers.
List any publications that you have been featured in or any other published work with which you are credited. Also list any training for grant writing you have received as well as any related conferences that you have attended.
David McGuffin is a writer from Asheville, N.C. and began writing professionally in 2009. He has Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of North Carolina, Asheville and Montreat College in history and music, and a Bachelor of Science in outdoor education. McGuffin is recognized as an Undergraduate Research Scholar for publishing original research on postmodern music theory and analysis.
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