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How to Write a Biography for Board Members

Board members typically have an impressive career with many accolades and degrees to their name. Get to the point with an informative, direct bio that touches on all of these aspects concisely.
Get to the Point
To cover the bases of a social media or press blurb about a board member, keep it to 100 words and just hit the high points. If writing for social media, consider using first person; otherwise, stick to the classic third-person perspective. State a bit about any early career achievements -- such as starting a successful company in their 20s -- and move along to more recent accomplishments. If your organization is a nonprofit, state what other philanthropic pursuits the person has contributed to. Many board members do not actually work for the organization that they oversee, so clearly state their current positions. Finally, wrap it up with education -- especially if the person has a graduate degree or attended an Ivy League institution -- and mention his length of service on the board.
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