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How to Write a Music CV

A music curriculum vitaeworks just like a resume, but with a few differences. While a resume is generally one page in length, a CV can often run two to three pages. The CV provides a more in-depth look at your experience and qualifications, which can be particularly useful for those pursuing music careers in academia. Music CVs are similar to other CVs, except that they focus specifically on music. A properly formatted and well-written music CV can increase your chances of getting the call for a job interview.
Write your name and contact information in the top center area of the page. Include your full name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number and email address.
Title the next section “Education," using bold type. In this section, list each college or university you attended. Put the college or university name in bold. Also include the city and state, date of graduation, areas you studied, what degree or certification you achieved (such as Ph.D. in Musicology or M.A. in Clarinet Performance), any dissertation or thesis you wrote and who the adviser was. Like the other areas of your music CV, organize this chronologically, working your way backwards so the college or university you most recently attended is listed first.
Add “Teaching Experience" next, again in bold type. In this section, list each teaching position you’ve held, whether at a college, university, school or private lessons. For each job, list your position title, the date you held the position (such as August 2009 to May 2010) and then use bullet points to briefly explain what your duties and responsibilities were. If you've taught one-on-one, as well as to large groups, be sure to mention that. If you've worked with graduate students or even non-music majors, be sure to mention that too. Highlight things that make you stand out from others, and show your leadership and dedication to teaching music.
Include “Performances” next, with a bold-faced title.In this section, list notable performances, specifying the venue (such as Kansas City Music Hall), city and state, date of performance and your role (such as pianist and conductor).
Name the next section “Papers & Publications” in bold type . In this section, list any papers or other publications you’ve had that relate to music. List the title of your piece, the title of the journal or publication (such as American Musicological Society), who publishes it (such as the University of Michigan) and the date of publication. This shows your dedication to studying music, and shows that you're contributing research to the field of music.
Write “Honors” in bold. In this section, list any honors you’ve received that relate to music, including awards, fellowships, grants and more. These can show you excel at, for example, the oboe, or that you're a highly-respected music teacher.
Write “Activities” in bold. In this section, list any professional activities in which you participate, such as music organizations, church choirs, music journal editing and symphonies. Mention any leadership positions you hold in these activities and organizations. This shows your drive toward bettering yourself at music and teaching. Press “Enter” twice when finished.
Title the next section "Presentations and Conferences.". List any music conferences you've participated in and any music presentations you've given. Mention your role at the conference, such as "coordinator" or "speaker," as well as the date, location, name of the conference and the name of the presentation you gave if you gave one. Press "Enter" twice when finished.
Include a "Recordings" section, titled in bold. List any recordings you've made that have been or are currently available to other people. Recordings you made that aren't shared can be left off this list. List the title of the project, the date it was released, the producer or recording engineer, a record label if there is one, plus your role on the recording (for example, trombonist). Press "Enter" twice when finished.
Create a references section with a bolded title. List three references. Include their full names, current position (such as Assistant Professor, Department of Music), their employer (such as University of Michigan) and their contact information, including street address, city and state, ZIP code, phone number and email address.
Your music CV can include other sections based on your qualifications and achievements. If you’ve accomplished something or are a member of something that would look good on a music CV, include it.
Chris Brower is a writer with a B.A. in English. He also spent time studying journalism and utilizes both to deliver well-written content, paying close attention to audience, and knowing one word could determine whether a product is a success or a failure. He has experience writing articles, press releases, radio scripts, novels, short stories, poems and more.
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