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How to Write a Resume for an Intercompany Position

Every year professionals pen thousands of books on the subject of resume writing. Very few address the issue of internal promotion. If your career goals center around the company your work for, knowing how to write a standard resume isn't the greatest help. Your employer already knows about your work history, both inside and outside the company. Still, writing a resume for an intercompany position is the first step toward that promotion you've been dying for.
Take stock of your existing work history. Sit down with a pen and paper. In a linear fashion, write down all of the things that you have done in the last year. Pay special attention to work tasks that specifically relate to the intercompany position that you are applying for.
Lead with your skills. At the top of your resume you should have a bulleted list of all relevant skills for the internal promotion. Use action-oriented, dynamic words and include industry or job-specific keywords. Your skills summary represents the perfect opportunity to show your career focus.
Draw attention to outstanding achievements in the company. If you are looking for an intercompany position, you have probably been doing a lot to make your work history shine. Use your resume to highlight the time and energy that you have spent being a model employee. Include this where you would list duties at past employers.
Show what you bring to the position. You should also use your work history to highlight specifically what, at your current position and previous ones, you bring to the table.
Highlight your company loyalty. Particularly if the position you are applying for is also accepting internal candidates, you'll want to highlight your dedication to the company. This can be done by pointing out overtime you have completed, extra work you have taken on, or how long you have been with the company.
Proofread carefully. No one notices a perfectly proofread resume, but your hiring manager is sure to notice one that isn't. Run a spell check. But also spend time reading the resume over carefully three or four times. If there is little room for error for external hires, there is none for internal promotions.
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Nicholas Pell began writing professionally in 1995. His features on arts, culture, personal finance and technology have appeared in publications such as "LA Weekly," Salon and Business Insider. Pell holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
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