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How to Be a Teen Catalog Model

Getting paid to model is a dream job for many people. Models can become world-famous and have social circles that include top names in the fashion world, celebrities, athletes and influential people from all over the world. This is not to say it’s all glamorous. Models have to be dedicated to their looks and have a positive work ethic. It takes a lot of work and personality to get their roles and to keep them.
How to Be a Teen Catalog Model
Get your parents to support your decision to model. If you are under the age of 18, you will need their assistance and legal consent.
Look the best you can. You want to be the most picture-perfect version of yourself possible. This means having wonderful overall health as well as perfecting your individual body parts. Models generally have slim waists, proportional faces, white teeth, beautiful hair, wonderful complexions, etc. For a catalog-specific model, you also must have the right 'look' for the catalog's main audience.
Make a portfolio. You will have to have professional pictures taken of you. Make sure they are extensive enough to portray your entire range of looks, emotions and modeling abilities.
Create a ‘Comp card. This card is given to talent agents and casting directors so they can quickly look at your information. It should contain an abbreviated and client-specific version of your portfolio. The card needs to have a variety of photos and poses along with your measurements and description.
Send the portfolio to a modeling agency. You can find modeling agencies online. Be careful, legitimate modeling agencies will not charge you to review your portfolio or consider taking you on as a client. If they are interested they will call you to schedule an interview.
Nail the interview by demonstrating that you have the right look, a warm and affable personality and talent. Models' talents involves being able to respond to a photographer's instructions, being flexible with how they move and what facial expressions they portray. Even better than responding is anticipating. Being able to anticipate your next pose means that you understand what your photographer is looking for and will make their job easier. This makes them likely to want to work with you again. If the agency likes you, you will be offered a contract.
Hire a lawyer to look over any documents before you sign. Agencies will find you work for a percentage of your pay. Make sure you agree with all the financial figures and understand the contract before you get locked into a contract.
Show up to be photographed for a catalog shoot and you are now a teen catalog model.
If at first you don't succeed, don't give up, but try to figure out what is holding you back and correct it if possible. Professional photos are very expensive. Find a quality agency and not a scam. You should not have to pay for lessons or pay to sign a contract.
In the competitive world of fashion modeling psychological disorders, such as eating disorders and unhealthy self image, may develop. Be honest with yourself and seek medical help if you feel depressed, anxious, not yourself or develop any unnatural habits.
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Being a Model, 2nd Edition by Roshumba Williams and Anne Marie O'Connor (Paperback - Feb. 6, 2007)
- If at first you don't succeed, don't give up, but try to figure out what is holding you back and correct it if possible. Professional photos are very expensive. Find a quality agency and not a scam. You should not have to pay for lessons or pay to sign a contract.
- In the competitive world of fashion modeling psychological disorders, such as eating disorders and unhealthy self image, may develop. Be honest with yourself and seek medical help if you feel depressed, anxious, not yourself or develop any unnatural habits.
David Kazmer covers topics related to travel, health, fitness and politics. He studies English and writing at Kent State University, and has contributed to Sun News publications in Valley View, Ohio.