Growth Trends for Related Jobs

The Best Career Choice for a Person With Back Problems

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Experiencing chronic pain is disruptive to your entire life, especially if you are in the workforce that requires some physical labor. Some back problems become severe and cause people so much pain that disability is the only option. However, if you are able to work around the discomfort, there are less strenuous career options such as an administrative assistant or independent contractor.

Office Worker

Various types of office jobs allow you to be sedentary while working. Positions like administrative assistants, accountants and managers of the company departments are examples of positions where you can spend considerable time sitting at a desk if needed. If your back problems are severe and intolerable, you may be able to submit a request for a special office chair with extra lumbar support. Taking frequent breaks to stand and walk around can help relieve stiffness that develops when sitting. Ultimately, jobs that allow you to sit for long periods of time are less strenuous to those with back problems.

Customer Service Representative

Another position that requires less physical activity is a customer service job where you're typically sitting at a desk or cubicle and answering incoming calls. Positions like these do not require any frequent heavy lifting or walking.


Writing and editing jobs are frequently managed from a sitting position. When working for a company, you'll likely be stationed at a desk. As an independent writer or editor, you can basically conduct business from anywhere your laptop will take you. This is one career that allows for so much flexibility that you don't have to leave your bed and still make an income.


If you have a subject you can teach about, a lecturer position is a considerable career for back problems. When you contemplate teaching, think beyond the active elementary school teacher position, which would require too much bending and lifting for significant back pain. Lecturers can work flexible schedules from full-time at a local school to one night a week at a community college. Jobs with flexible schedules allow you to manage pain more effectively. Various levels of education are required depending on the position you pursue. You can even stay at home and be a teacher at an online school.

Independent Contractor

If your back problems are severe enough, working as an independent contractor may be your best choice because they are based on your interest and skill sets. If you have knowledge in accounting, become a freelance tax preparer. A background in counseling might allow you to become a life coach. If you're a little more mobile, a small independent business where you sell items online is another good choice.


Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.

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