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Job Description for a Records Specialist

Each day, organizations generate documents related to their operations. These documents must be filled out and stored properly to be useful for the future. People who specialize in taking care of such materials in hard and digital formats are records specialists. They work in agencies such as police departments and hospitals, as well as general company offices.
General Duties
According to job descriptions from Job Description Template; the city of Ontario, Calif.; and Simply Hired, records specialists import data into data management systems. They make copies and scans of documents and file paperwork. They inventory records that the organization has and dispose of records that no longer are of use. Records specialists also may post notices, handle billing, log record activity and train other staff members in the records department.
Education and Experience
Records specialists must have a minimum of a high school diploma or the equivalent. Employers prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree; one to four years of experience also is desired. Some records specialists may have additional education and training to accommodate the type of records with which they work. For instance, a records specialist who works in a hospital may take classes in medical protocols and procedures. However, most records specialists get training on the job.
According to a job description from Simply Hired, records specialists must be well-organized and efficient. They should have the ability to communicate well and to focus on a task for long periods of time. Job Description Template adds that records specialists should be skilled in customer service.
Work Environment
Records specialists usually work in buildings that are well ventilated and well lit. They work at their desks most of the day, although they may need to manually transport files as they work. They must be able to do general bending, twisting and lifting to put file boxes away. Although the physical labor is limited, records specialists still are at risk for problems associated with computer use and repetitive motions such as carpal tunnel and eye strain.
Depending on the agency for which a record specialist works, she may make anywhere from $10 to $18 per hour, according to Job Description Template, the city of Ontario and Simply Hired. As with other jobs, more experience translates to a higher wage.
Wanda Thibodeaux is a freelance writer and editor based in Eagan, Minn. She has been published in both print and Web publications and has written on everything from fly fishing to parenting. She currently works through her business website,, which functions globally and welcomes new clients.
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