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Job Description for a Community Development Coordinator

A community development coordinator facilitates, promotes and negotiates community planning and development projects. He plans and monitors empowerment programs necessary to secure and examine community development opportunities. The community development coordinator works at the community level and has to ensure that community development personnel reach out to the public as required.
A community development coordinator possesses a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in social sciences, business administration, planning or communication. Other employers prefer a bachelor’s degree in community planning, public administration or economics.
Responsibilities and Duties
A community development coordinator facilitates community planning initiatives through identifying and creating development opportunities. She sets up and provides support to a community development committee. She also conducts research and offers recommendations about community development opportunities. She identifies areas that need transfer of power and responsibilities and puts community transfer and empowerment programs into practice. The coordinator also identifies, secures and coordinates resources necessary to implement community development programs, and makes recommendations on potential funding opportunities.
Desirable Qualities
A community development coordinator has good listening and communication skills since the job calls for frequent interaction with people. Consequently, he must have good interpersonal skills as well as the capacity to work in a multicultural setting. He is creative and flexible so as to accommodate diverse community development initiatives. Many employers prefer individuals with previous work experience in community development. The community development coordinator also shows proficiency in computer application skills since he has to use computerized word processing programs to create various documents.
Job Outlook
A community development coordinator’s job involves frequent interaction with community residents. Job openings come up from the need to replace experienced professionals who move on to other occupations or those who leave the labor force. Graduates in community planning, public administration and business administration have greater employment opportunities.
A community development coordinator’s salary varies according to the industry and company she works for, and the location. For instance, a community development coordinator in Massachusetts earns $55,000 annually, while in New York she earns about $53,000 per year. In California and Maryland she earns about $51,000 per year while in Texas she earns about $42,000 annually as recorded by SimplyHired as of June 2010. A community development coordinator may also receive additional benefits such as insurance and medical cover.
Martin Muchira has been writing content for online businesses since 2008. He has written content for major companies like Air Asia and Comcast. Muchira graduated at the top of his class from Moi University with a Bachelor of Science in wood science and industrial processes.
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