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Promotion Coordinator Job Description

A promotion coordinator is someone who works to market a company’s services or products. Promotion coordinators work in conjunction with advertising and sales managers, helping to generate income for their company. They are employed in a wide array of industries and perform a multitude of tasks. Promotion coordinators may also have to hire, train and organize their staffs.

A promotion coordinator focuses on getting the word out about her company’s latest or ongoing products and services. She puts a positive spin on what her company has to offer, highlighting its best attributes to potential advertisers and customers. She also analyzes trends and assists in setting prices, paying close attention to what the competition is doing. In some cases, promotion coordinators handle public relations tasks, writing and distributing press releases, setting up interviews of key company personnel and enhancing the company’s overall image.

A promotion coordinator needs to possess strong written and verbal communication skills. He should be highly organized and an accomplished problem solver, as he deals with everyone from upper management to his staff to clients on a regular basis. He also must be driven, professional, courteous, able to work well alone or with a team and comfortable delegating. Oftentimes, promotion coordinators must handle everyday tasks such as responding to email and scheduling employees on top of their regular duties.

Most companies seek candidates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree when hiring a promotion coordinator. Areas of study include business, communications, public relations, journalism, administration and sales. Many promotion coordinators spend time at the lower levels of the profession before being hired into a management position. Others have worked in careers centered around sales or advertising.

Jobs are expected to experience little or no growth from 2008 to 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). More than 175,500 workers were employed as promotion/marketing coordinators in May 2008, the BLS reported. It added that many companies will be more likely to hire candidates with new media skills and who understand how to promote products and services via the Internet.

Promotion and marketing coordinators earned a salary of anywhere from $34,000 to more than $102,000 per year in February 2010, according to Much of that range depended on the marketing manager’s experience as well as the industry in which he worked. Meanwhile, the BLS reported that some promotion/marketing coordinators earned more than $108,000 per year in May 2008.
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Sam Amico is a reporter for and worked as a writer and editor at daily newspapers for more than a decade, covering everything from rock concerts to college football to courts and crime. He attended Kent State University and is the author of the book, "A Basketball Summer." He also is the co-host of a nationally-syndicated television show, "The Wine & Gold Zone."
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