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Types of Print Press Machines

Printing press machines have been used by publishing companies for printing various kinds of text document in large and commercial volumes. Their simple mechanism consists of putting pressure to a thoroughly inked molded surface resting on the designated cloth or paper. Various types of print press machines have developed since the initial debut of the first print machine in the 14th century, making it the leading print medium today.
Lithographic Print Press
Photo printing is the most famous print press machine. This type of print press machine uses a light-sensitive chemical formula. Its technique is similar to the actual method of photography in which it basically transfers texts or images from its source to another printing medium through photographic means. The quality of the print depends on the type of printing paper.
Sheet-fed Print Press
Sheet-fed print press machines involve a highly maintained method that includes the practical feeding of precut sheets or papers. This may not be economical when used in large volumes of prints; however, its element of precision in marking the used print paper gives an impressive, high quality print that not all print press machines can achieve. This technique is perfect for business cards, greeting cards and letters.
Web Print Press
A web print press, a huge printing machine that can quickly print out large rolls of impressions, is the most economical way of publishing thousands, even millions of papers every single day. All newspaper companies and publishing corporations that market and produce a lot of books and printed materials use this machine. One of the features of this print press material includes cutting and sorting the papers, making it efficient and easy to use.
Heat-set Print Press
A heat-set print press machine offers the highest printing quality for glossy magazines, catalogs and professional portfolios. Also known as quick-set printing machine, it quickly imprints ink through a hot set of dryers. This immediate evaporation can effectively put accurate and high-quality impression on coated and tinted papers. This method is preferably used in printing medium to high volumes of printed material, as it can be costly otherwise.
Based in Winton, New Zealand, Heilyn Cabrera has been writing travel-related articles since 2002. Since 2010 she has worked for an online journal as a Channel Steward for the African, Asian and Middle Eastern History Channel. Heilyn holds a Master of Arts in journalism from Memorial University, Mount St. Vincent's.
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