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How to Resign From a Job in a Big Company

Working for a big company offers an entirely different experience than working for a smaller entity. When it comes to resigning, the differences are fully apparent. Quitting a small company is usually a fairly quick and seamless process after an employee gives notice, but leaving a large company can be a bit trickier. From employment contracts to exit interviews, resigning from a large company can be a complex process that requires your full participation.
Check Your Contract
Some companies require employees to sign a contract upon hire. If you signed anything when you started your job, the fine print could have an impact on your resignation terms. Look over your contract and make sure it doesn't contain any points regarding the duration you have to remain at the company. If it does, confirm that your length of employment has surpassed the requirements. If you're looking for -- or have secured -- a job in the same industry, check your contract for any non-compete clauses that would prevent you from working for a rival firm. Large companies have been known to require employees to promise they will not work for a direct competitor after leaving. You don't want to open yourself up to a potential lawsuit from your current employer by violating this agreement.
Write a Resignation Letter
Resignation letters are a common professional courtesy in any industry. If you hope to leave your job with your reputation intact, it's essential that you write one. Since large companies are typically filled with countless supervisors and managers, you'll want to address and send the letter to the superior you work closest with rather than the CEO or another higher-up you've only met in passing. Keep the letter professional in tone while remaining concise. State your intention to resign as well as the date you intend to be your last at the company.
Meet With Your Immediate Supervisor
A meeting with your immediate supervisor isn't required when you resign from a big company, but it can be a wise move that can pave the way to a positive recommendation in the future. Even if you've put your notice on paper, arrange a meeting with your supervisor and tell him in person about your plans to resign. This meeting is your chance to get a little more personal than you did in your resignation letter. Thank your supervisor for the opportunity to work with him. Recount a few positive experiences you had with him that made an impact on you. This kind of meeting can soften the blow of your resignation and sway your supervisor into providing you with a good reference.
Finish Your Work
While it can be tempting to let your productivity dwindle during your final days as an employee, doing so in unprofessional and will frustrate your coworkers as they struggle to pick up your slack. Make the most of the remainder of your employment by finishing any projects you've started.
Complete an Exit Interview
Large companies often ask employees to participate in an exit interview to evaluate their reasons for leaving and to help the company evolve. Companies take the answers former employees provide into consideration when making changes to their business models. It's okay to be candid in your exit interview -- so long as you conduct yourself as a professional while doing so. Avoid being overly blunt or rude, and keep your answers simple and to the point.
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