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Tips to Retrieve Your Job After Giving A Two Weeks’ Notice or Letter of Resignation

Regardless of why you want to change your two weeks’ notice or letter of resignation, asking to stay in your current job or position from which you have submitted a resignation letter can be difficult.
Your company may have a policy about this two weeks’ notice issue.
- If so, that policy will have to guide you through the process.
- If there is no policy, both human resources and your direct supervisor will be the primary decision-makers in allowing you to stay in the position.
While there is a great possibility of retrieving your current job back from your current employer, keep a new job in mind in case things do not go to plan with your previous resignation letter.
Here are some tips to help the process go smoothly:
1. Remain Professional
- Because your initial resignation letter may have caused some emotional ripples in your department, remain as professional as possible throughout the entire process.
- Also approach your supervisors and coworkers with complete honesty about your feelings and changes requested per your prior resignation letter.
- Think of your last day on the job, and do your best to put away any hard feelings that could have been there.
2. Write a Letter
- Write a letter formally asking to withdraw your previous resignation letter.
- Do not apologize more than once or twice in the letter.
- Be brief and professional to your current employer.
- This letter will likely be in your employment file.
- Print three copies: one each for human resources, your supervisor and yourself.
- Remain honest about your current job.
3. Speak with someone in human resources.
- Large companies may have encountered this issue in the past and may have a policy about such circumstances with two weeks’ notice.
- Bring a copy of the withdrawal letter with you and present it to human resources.
- You may find human resources will focus on the broad policies and procedures and less on the details of your return.
4. Speak with your direct supervisor.
- Have a copy of the letter with you when meeting with your supervisor as well.
- Expect this meeting to be more focused on the reasons for the initial resignation letter, the reasons for your change of mind and the impact on your department and the company as a whole.
5. Be honest, but brief.
- Focus on what your current job offers for professional opportunities to keep the current position.
- Think about why you would like to continue to pursue those avenues.
- Express what you can still bring to the department.
6. Ask for the job as a yes or no question.
- For example, you could ask: "Can I stay in this job?"
- Simple, clear questions are easier to answer with an affirmative.
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