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How to Create a Perfume Shop

Running a successful perfume shop is a fun and profitable venture, especially for someone who loves to experiment with fragrances. According to NPD Group, Inc., a market research company, the prestige fragrance industry recorded sales worth $1.6 billion between January and September 2012. Such a venture requires intensive research, commitment, proper planning, as well as creative marketing and networking skills.
Before you venture into any business, it is important to have sufficient knowledge about the industry. To run a successful perfume shop, you must first understand the products and the market. Perfumes come in different types. These include true perfumes also known as extract, Eau de Parfum and Eau de Tollete. These can be categorized as floral, woody, green, oceanic and Oriental. They serve different purposes. For example, true perfumes have the highest concentration of scent and, therefore, a little goes a long way. Eau de Parfums are most common and are used for cosmetics purposes and last longer than true perfumes. Eau de Tollettes have a mild scent and don’t linger for long. To decide on your target market, conduct an informal survey or use statistics from major distributors to identify perfumes that sell most in your location. In addition, know the needs of your target customers and your competition.
Write A Business Plan
A business plan road maps how you plan to grow your revenues. Outline your sales strategy, such as having discounted prices, marketing and networking strategies or sponsoring a pageant event in your state. You will also need a management structure, as well as your expansion and exit plan. If you plan to source funds from external sources like a financial institution, you will need to work out your financial projections based on realistic estimates. Research on your state and federal obligations as a shop owner, registering with your county clerk’s office and acquiring appropriate licenses and documents such as a business tax ID are also necessary.
Use a real estate agency to scout for a shop in an area where people are looking to spend some disposable income like a shop in an open-air market or in a mall that hosts many clothing and gifts shops. The location must also have high foot traffic. Find a spacious shop that will enable you to buy products in bulk and stock up on as many varieties as possible.
Set Up Your Shop
Find suppliers from print publications on perfumes and fragrances or attend trade shows. You can also find suppliers on-line through search engines. Have an expert design your shop’s interior, install proper lighting and display your products in an attractive manner. Also, develop a web presence for your perfume shop to reach more customers. Design an attractive website, create social media accounts, and create a mailing list to keep your customers updated on new products, offers and promotions. Advertise in specialty publications such as fashion, beauty and cosmetics magazines.
Joseph Petrick has been a writer and editor since 2003. He writes career, business and education articles. His work has appeared in several online publications including Career Today. Petrick holds a Master of Arts in philosophy/economic anthropology from Pennsylvania State University.
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