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How to Become a Perfume Consultant

If you have a nose for the finer fragrances in life and want to make a career of it, consider pursuing a position as a perfume consultant. Perfume consultants often have to juggle many tasks. They assist new perfume creators with finding the elements that achieve their fragrance goals, help with the selection of bottle shapes, packaging designs and aid in marketing plan creation.
Study the field by taking a course in perfume sales, such as the online course offered by the Fragrance Foundation in England. This course and others like it teach you virtually everything you need to know to create fragrances and help others to do the same. Use a course like this or study on your own to learn the history of fragrance, the chemistry of scents, marketing techniques and ways to improve your own sense of smell.
Apply to any available positions with perfumeries. Take an internship or apprenticeship if that is all they offer, and use the experience to learn everything you can about the chemistry that goes into fragrance creation. Be open to all knowledge your supervisors are willing to share, and pay attention to how they come up with bottle design ideas and marketing strategies.
Create and sell your own fragrances. The best way to learn what makes a fragrance sell is by developing your own. Having this experience under your belt will help you to grow your client base and give the people you consult for a sense of confidence in your capabilities. Do not rush the process of developing your own perfumes, though. Create scents that represent your favorite fragrance and spice combinations, and use the experience to prepare you for the consulting process.
Network with beauty and fashion schools and their students. Today’s cosmetology students are tomorrow’s fragrance designers, and they will be eager to partner with consultants to create their own fragrance lines when the time comes.
Before seeking work as a perfume consultant, consider taking a job at a perfume store or at the fragrance counter at a mall anchor store like Macys, JCPenny or Bloomingdales. This is the best way to get hands-on experience in the business of perfume sales. It is also an excellent way to interact with consumers and gather ideas on what drives shoppers to choose one fragrance over another.
Perfume consultation is not a field to get into if you are hoping to make big bucks right off the bat. It will take time for you to develop a client base that pays you what you desire. Do not let this fact deter you from your goals. If you love fragrances, you can certainly make a career out of it. Be patient and stay focused on your goals.
Jen Wilson began her literary career in 2006 generating screenplay coverage for film production companies while freelancing in A&R for independent record labels. Wilson is an arts, style and small business contributor for various websites and attended California State University, Fullerton, first as a musical theater major and later with a concentration in directing.