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Requirements for a Washington State Adult Family Home

Adult family homes provide care and housing to adults who require ongoing attention. These types of homes can provide more personal care than large nursing home facilities. Washington state requires that adult family homes be licensed. The requirements are set in place to ensure the best quality of care for mentally or physically disabled adults.
Adult Home Licensing
Anyone wishing to manage an adult family home must license the home through the state of Washington. This license does not need to be renewed except after closure, revocation or failure to pay annual license fee. To maintain licensing, the home must comply to all state requirements set forth in the Washington Administrative Code.
Caretaker Qualifications
The adult home must provide caretakers who have the ability to care for disabled adults. Caretakers must be over 18 and be able speak English. They need to have patience, be emotionally stable and be able to understand the needs of the residents. Caregivers must obtain basic training in care giving skills. Caretakers also need to be licensed to care for more than one patient.
Onsite Residency
The adult family home owner or an employee of the home must reside in the home. This requirement can be waived if the home is staffed 24 hours a day. These staff members must be able to make onsite decision about care.
Insurance Requirements
Commercial liability insurance with a minimum limit of $500,000 per incident and $1,000,000 total is mandatory. The coverage must include damages to person and property as well as contractual liability. Homes must carry liability insurance on employees and volunteers.
Infection Management
All adult family homes must create a system to control infection and disease in the home. This system needs to abide by national standards. It must include repeated hand washing. It also must include a safe method for removing sharp objects such as hypodermic needles and razor blades.
Food Management
Adult family homes must provide meals that accommodate each resident’s particular needs and wants. Meals need to provide enough calories and be sensitive to allergies and religious restrictions. The food must be handled safely.
Rights of the Residents
Adult family homes in Washington state must care for residents with dignity and respect. Activities and health care are to be provided. Residents need to be allowed to exercise independence in regard to hair style, clothing choices and personal effects. Residents need to participate in any changes in treatment or care plans.