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Counter Clerk Duties at a Dry Cleaners

Dry cleaners clean clothing by using a chemical to treat stains and spots with minimal use of water. To preserve the material, some fabrics such as silk, rayon and leather must be dry cleaned instead of being washed in a washing machine. People drop off their clothes at dry cleaners to have them cleaned and pressed. Some locations offer alterations and repairs such as sewing buttons, repairing zippers and adjusting hemlines.
Receiving Duties
Counter clerks at dry cleaners help customers who are dropping off clothes. They separate the clothing according to type, such as shirts, dresses and slacks, as well as by fabric type for items that need special care. If the customer makes specific requests such as spot removal or replacing buttons, the counter clerk must note those requests on the corresponding items.
Counter clerk duties also include counting the number of items to be cleaned, identifying the items by color and type on the ticket and calculating the total cost of the dry cleaning bill. The customer may pay when dropping off the clothes, and the counter clerk processes the payment. The customer is given a copy of the ticket and told what day his clothes will be ready to be picked up.
Processing Duties
Counter clerks keep up with the customer's clothing by tagging each item with the number that matches the ticket. The number is usually pinned to the tag inside the clothing, and all items are placed inside a laundry bag.
Depending on the dry cleaners, counter clerk duties may include treating stains or operating the dry cleaning machines. Clerks may also help with pressing clothes, putting them on hangers and placing them in plastic garment bags. Counter clerks may answer phones, answer questions about prices and store hours, and let customers know that their clothes are ready.
Assisting Returning Customers
Counter clerks also assist customers picking up their clothing at the dry cleaners. They retrieve the ticket from the customer and locate the clothing by matching the ticket number to the duplicate copy attached to the garment bag.
They check the ticket and make sure all items are included before handing them to the customer. They also inform customers of any issues with their special requests. Another aspect of counter clerk duties includes handling customer questions and complaints.
Janise Smith began freelance writing in 2009. She has published poetry, short fiction and various articles, with her works appearing in "Metropolitan Woman" and the "Detroit Free Press." She earned a Bachelor of Arts in written communications with an emphasis on journalism, creative and technical writing from Eastern Michigan University.
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