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The Job Description for a Resort Activities Director

Many hotels and resorts have on-site resort activities directors who plan special events and activities for guests. These directors handle all aspects of activity development and may rely on a variety of personal experiences and knowledge to create memorable vacations for others. Resort activities directors also plan events for adults, families or specific groups such as children or senior citizens.
Develop and Implement Activities
A resort activities director must develop and implement activities that appeal to a wide range of personalities and ages. She will complete needs assessments to determine how often activities will be offered, how seasons will affect these activities and what space is available for participants. Resort activities should be appropriate for the location and may reflect a theme. A resort activities director must research possible activity ideas, trying or sampling new activities and evaluating them as needed. She must stay informed about new trends in the field to offer popular activities. Group activities may include sporting activities such as volleyball or beginner skiing lessons, games such as trivia, events such as karaoke nights or wine tastings, or activities such as crafts and dancing lessons. The activities director must then lead, delegate or implement activities.
Schedule Activities
A resort activities director must create an activity schedule that reflects the resort's needs. He must vary the activities to ensure the schedule appeals to as many guests as possible. Activity schedules should not interfere with other resort events and may need to complement other scheduled events.
Supervise Recreational Staff
Resort activities directors may need to supervise other recreational staff members including lifeguards, sports professionals and other employees. They may also be responsible for training other employees as necessary, introducing them to procedures or new activities as needed.
Communicate Activities to Resort Guests
Resort activities directors must also communicate activities to the resort's guests. They may need to update websites, produce newsletters or make calendars to highlight specific events. Additionally, these directors may send out invitations, publish brochures and update signage.
Manage and Maintain Recreational Needs
A resort activities director must have an accurate picture of the activity equipment to which he has access. For special events, he may need to secure tents or extra chairs. If a resort activities director needs extra help, he hires temporary workers, caterers or specialists. He also ensures activity equipment remains clean, prepared and properly maintained.
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Kendall Olsen has been writing for more than 20 years She is a University of Missouri-St. Louis Gateway Writing Project Fellow and has published instructional materials with the McDonald Publishing Company. Olsen holds an Ed.S. in educational technology, an M.Ed. in secondary English curriculum and instruction, a B.S. in elementary education and a B.A. in art history.
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