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Site Agent Duties

A site agent works alongside contractors and subcontractors to make sure building contracts are carried out on schedule. The agent is responsible for all on-site activities, including organizing work and making sure key building materials are delivered on schedule. Site agents are usually employed by building firms and civil engineering companies. A site agent, also a site manager, is a job title specifically used in the United Kingdom. In the U.S., similar jobs are known as construction managers.
Main Duties
A site agent is responsible for identifying any problems with on-site work activities and providing a solution to ensure a project does not run over budget. A site agent must ensure building contractors and the client company agree on a budget and time frame for completion, as noted on the Prospects website, which gives career advice to U.K. university graduates. A site agent may also have to draw up financial forecasts and resource requirements and present them to the client company for approval.
A site manager will typically need to possess a degree in civil engineering and demonstrate substantial experience in building project management. Some managers will require that your experience is specific to the role they are filling, for example, work on railway maintenance or in a chemical processing plant.
Safety and Standards
A site agent assesses the progress of on-site work to ensure it is being performed within regulations and to contract specifications. The agent may work with the construction design team to draw up new building blueprints if specifications change or regulations are not being adhered to. A site agent also plays a key role in quality control. The agent will regularly test materials and machinery to ensure they are working efficiently and fall within industry guidelines for safety and durability.
Communications Role
A site agent should have excellent communication and administrative skills, as the agent will be expected to keep accurate records of changes to client specifications and working practices and make regular reports to management. Typical problems encountered by site agents include the late delivery of building materials and the absence of workers due to sickness. A site agent must efficiently manage work programs to ensure they are flexible enough to overcome such anomalies.
A site agent also conducts on-site meetings with other professionals such as quantity surveyors, contract negotiators, building foremen and representatives of the client company. He may also meet with engineers and architects to address any core problems with building infrastructure.
Jason Prader began writing professionally in 2009, and is a freelance writer with a sound academic background and experience in writing articles for online magazine He is highly adept at constructing academic essays and producing articles on an array of subject matter. He holds a master's degree in 20th century literature from the University of Sussex.
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