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Job Description of a Clearing Agent

Clearing agents are usually in charge of packing goods which are meant for exportation. The goods could be packed in trucks or cargo containers which will be shipped or airlifted. Clearing agents are also responsible for handling the necessary paperwork that involves the packaging of the goods.
For an entry-level position, a clearing agent does not need a high school diploma. Most companies usually provide on-the-job training for new employees. If he wants to work in more advanced positions as a clearing agent, there are freight forwarding and freight broker courses that he can undertake.
It is a must to get certification in order to be a clearing agent. Getting certified will increase your credibility in the industry. A certified clearing agent will also be able to work in the international arena. In the United States, certification is provided by the Federal Maritime Commission. This requires that one have at least three years of experience and not have been convicted of any felonies. A clearing agent does not need to sit any exam to become certified.
Responsibilities and Duties
In most instances, a clearing agent is in charge of ensuring that purchased goods are delivered to the respective buyers. A clearing agent also handles documentation related to the shipments, including insurance forms and dispatch forms. He also ensures that the shipment is compliant with the hazardous shipping compliance information. He keeps track of routing information. It is a clearing agent's duty to verify that the carrier he uses is properly licensed. He also develops logistics which he uses to track changes and ensure delivery of goods. Most individuals give their clearing agents powers of attorney. The clearing agent orders containers which will be used for packaging cargo to be delivered to the right locations, and he researches freight rates.
Desirable Skills
A clearing agent should have good coordination skills, and should have a basic knowledge of law and accounting practices. He needs good organizational skills and communication skills, both verbal and written. Good management skills and interpersonal skills are recommended. He should also have good customer service skills and pay attention to detail.
The average salary for a clearing agent is $47,500 per year, according to Salary Experts. Level of experience, education and location all affect the salary range..
Martin Muchira has been writing content for online businesses since 2008. He has written content for major companies like Air Asia and Comcast. Muchira graduated at the top of his class from Moi University with a Bachelor of Science in wood science and industrial processes.
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