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Jobs That Require You to Dress Up

In today's world of casual clothing styles, the number of jobs that require formal attire are dwindling. Still, how an employee looks is important in some jobs. They are not always positions that are higher up the ladder, as much as roles where it's important to present a certain image. Several jobs require a more formal level of dress on a daily basis because the career itself has a certain level of formality and routine procedures.
The banking industry is one area of business where the employees are not a stranger to the suit and tie look. The higher up in level of management, the more formal the clothes become. Bank managers and investment bankers are commonly seen wearing suits and ties to work. Women may be able to wear a dress, or nice pants and a blouse instead of a suit, but as a rule, they are not casually dressed.
Many jobs in the legal profession require a formal level of dress. While there may be casual days in an average law office, most positions, from paralegal to head attorney, are expected to dress professionally at work. Those attorneys who attend to court matters are expected to wear a suit and tie. Women can wear a skirt instead of pants. Courtrooms have gone back to being more formal over recent years because of the new rules that courts are enforcing to stay away from casual dress.
News Anchors
One profession where jeans and a T-shirt usually won't pass is a news anchor position. Whether at a small local station or in the head anchor position of a large network, most of the professionals in these roles wear dressy clothes. Contemporary standards have leaned away from the strict rules of women wearing suits, however, they still usually dress in stylish outfits. Men are still typically seen wearing a suit and tie.
Retail Department Associates
In many areas of retail, employees are expected to dress in the fashion of the clothes they sell. When employees work in a major department store, and specifically in one of the fashion areas, they are expected to dress up. A male working in the men's sportswear department wears a suit and tie to work. Women also wear an outfit on the dressier side. These kinds of ensembles help advertise the products that they have on the sales floor.
Based in the Midwest, Gina Scott has been writing professionally since 2008. She has worked in real estate since 2004 and has expertise in pop culture and health-related topics. She has also self-published a book on how to overcome chronic health conditions. Scott holds a Master of Arts in higher-education administration from Ball State University.
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