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How to Dress for a Mechanic Interview

Mechanics, like other workers and professionals, are judged by the way they dress on interviews. Therefore, it is essential that you make a good impression when you dress for your mechanic interview. The general rule of thumb is to dress for a job that is two levels above the one for which you are interviewing, according to experts at the Monster job-search website. There are several ways to determine just what that higher person would wear. But the important thing is to wear clean clothing that is pressed.
Make note of what the service manager of the auto body shop wore when you picked up an application. Call the main office of the auto body shop or airline if you are applying for a airline mechanic position. Call the human resources manager or department that accepted your application.
Ask the human resources or unit manager how you should dress for your mechanic interview. Use your own judgment if you are working for a small auto body shop or airline that doesn't have a human resources department.
Wear an open collar, button-down shirt and pressed slacks, which is optional, if you are a man. Include a tie or jacket or both if your meeting is being held at the main office. Stick to dark-colored pants or jackets, including blue, gray or black, as these colors will exude a more professional appearance. Make sure you wear dark socks and dress shoes. Plan to wear a white or blue dress shirt. Dress in a pantsuit and blouse or a two-piece dress or business suit ensemble if you are a female. Wear darker color pantsuits or business suits. Keep your heels limited to 1 or 2 inches.
Make sure your shoes and belt match in color. Women should keep their jewelry to a minimum. Use it to enhance your looks rather than distract from it.
Get to your interview 5 or 10 minutes early in case there's any additional paperwork to fill out. Turn your cell phone off when you arrive at the interview. Find a restroom to straighten your hair and clothing before meeting the hiring manager. Be assertive throughout the interview and maintain an erect posture. Smile often and be confident when describing your experience as a mechanic.
Men should neatly trim their mustaches and beards, though a clean-shaven face is preferable for a mechanic interview. Also, keep hairstyles simple. Both men and women should keep their cologne and perfume subdued.
Avoid going to a mechanic interview in overalls or work garb, especially if you are grease-streaked from your current job. Take off early, if necessary, so you can clean up before the interview with the new company.
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- Get to your interview 5 or 10 minutes early in case there's any additional paperwork to fill out. Turn your cell phone off when you arrive at the interview. Find a restroom to straighten your hair and clothing before meeting the hiring manager. Be assertive throughout the interview and maintain an erect posture. Smile often and be confident when describing your experience as a mechanic.
- Men should neatly trim their mustaches and beards, though a clean-shaven face is preferable for a mechanic interview. Also, keep hairstyles simple. Both men and women should keep their cologne and perfume subdued.
- Avoid going to a mechanic interview in overalls or work garb, especially if you are grease-streaked from your current job. Take off early, if necessary, so you can clean up before the interview with the new company.
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