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How to Dress for a Job Interview at Costco

Costco is a giant warehouse store that requires a membership to shop from. Mostly it is utilized by businesses, but it is also open to individuals. Costco is a great place to work because the company is set on keeping a family atmosphere. Most employees begin working in the warehouse before moving up to the next level. Almost all promotions are done from within the company, and employees are treated extremely well. If you want to work for this great company, you will need to dress correctly for your interview; here's what to wear.
Buy a nice pants suit. This is important because you need the suit to fit you to a "T." You may not have a lot of money to invest on a suit if you don't already have one, but you should go for it anyway. This investment will make its money back ten times over. You need to present the interviewer with a clean-cut look that shows you care about getting this job. It also gives the impression that you are responsible and a hard worker. If you buy a used suit, make sure you spend the money to have it tailored to fit you exactly. When choosing a color for your suit, remember that the darker colors are the best. Make the suit also a plain color. Too much plaid or stripes can throw a person off. Stick with a plain dark blue, black or gray suit.
Go with a plain white button down dress shirt. You can wear a light-colored shirt, but stay away from dark colors. You also don't want any plaids or stripes. These things may be fine for offices where your job is secure, but not for interviews where you need to look conservative and not wild.
Wear a tie. Wear a regular tie-it-yourself tie--no bow ties! You can wear a variety of different ties, but make sure the tie doesn't jump out at you and scream wild. Dark-colored ties are best and they can have a paisley, stripe or dotted pattern. Make sure you have tied it correctly for your interview.
Put dress shoes on. Give them a little shine so that they look good with your suit. Wearing sneakers or casual shoes with a suit is not recommended. Wear a pair of socks that match your suit.
Wear a business suit. Women have a larger choice in business suits as far as colors go. You should still make sure the suit is tailored to fit you perfectly, whether you bought it used or brand new. Having a suit that is too long or too short can make the interviewer think that something is off. Remember, you want a good, clean-cut image. You also want to look professional no matter what job you are applying for.
Make sure your blouse matches your suit, but unlike men, you can wear many different colors or patterns. Again, you don't want to scream wild to the interviewer, so keep it toned down a bit, but look stylish. In other words, you may want to skip out on hot pink and go for a soft, lighter pink.
Choose to wear nylons instead of going bare. This looks much more professional than showing your skin. Compliment the nylons with a pair of dress shoes or high heels. The high heels should be a color that matches the business suit you chose.
Wear a dress. You can wear a dress instead of a business suit. The dress should be conservative and not too short, with very little, if any, cleavage showing. Don't try to use your body to get the job. Remember that Costco is a family-oriented business, so dress that way. Don't wear any outrageous colors or designs.
Wear plain jewelry that compliments your outfit. Don't go crazy with flashy jewelry, as that will only distract the interviewer and cause them to think you are eccentric. You should also be conservative with your makeup. Try to stick to fleshy tones that compliment your skin.
Make sure you hair is brushed and presentable. Pick out 3 outfits, as Costco does an average of 3 interviews before hiring an employee.
Don't wear any overbearing cologne or perfume. If you give the interviewer a headache, you aren't going to get the job.
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- Make sure you hair is brushed and presentable.
- Pick out 3 outfits, as Costco does an average of 3 interviews before hiring an employee.
- Don't wear any overbearing cologne or perfume. If you give the interviewer a headache, you aren't going to get the job.
Alicia Bodine has been a professional writer for 13 years. She has produced thousands of articles for online publications such as Demand Studios, GoBankingRates and WiseGeek. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. She has received awards for being a top content producer.
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