Growth Trends for Related Jobs
The Best Jobs for the 21st Century

Economic hardships during the 21st century have hit the workforce, but plenty of viable career choices remain. The best jobs are those that take advantage of the 21st-century lifestyle, dictated by technology, politics and the need for certain services.
Jobs You Can Do from Home
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2010, 24 percent of employees did some or all of their work at home. Self-employed workers spend the most time working in home offices. This group includes working writers and authors, whose numbers the BLS projects to grow by 6 percent through 2020. Many graphic designers work from home too. The BLS predicts they'll see steady employment growth of 13 percent through 2020.
Jobs in the Global Workforce
Globalization, technology and talent scouting are redefining the way corporations think and communicate. Companies in the 21st century seek a global workforce with local knowledge and cultural understanding. Working abroad opens opportunities for establishing professional contacts in foreign markets. Globalization causes employers to prefer candidates with a range of skills and experience that come with working abroad. Overseas jobs include foreign correspondents covering events around the world for news outlets back home. Correspondents may stay in one location or travel throughout their career. Travel writers make a living while traveling the world and writing about hotels, restaurants, tourist locations, landmarks and other points of interest.
Jobs for Computer Science Majors
Computer science majors are in high demand in the 21st century and have several options to choose from in the information technology field. For instance, software designers create applications for mobile and Internet marketplaces, office administrators troubleshoot computer systems and computer programmers write code for video games and other projects. Potential occupations include computer information research scientists, computer support specialists and systems analysts.
Jobs in Health Care
The BLS predicts the health care industry will have the most dramatic growth of any field through 2020. It expects its growth rate -- 3 percent annually-- to create 5.6 million jobs in a decade. Health care may be recession-proof, and as baby boomers continue to age, demand for health care services will skyrocket, creating an even greater need for more doctors, nurses, technicians, administrators and lab researchers. Related fields in physical and occupational therapy will grow at rates of 39 and 33.5 percent, respectively, through 2020, the BLS projects.
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Work at Home and in the Workplace
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Writers and Authors
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Graphic Designers
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Reporters, Correspondents and Broadcast News Analysts
- Frommer's: Travel Writing 101 -- The Freelance Life
- Job Diagnosis: Benefits of Working Abroad
- CNN: The Global Workforce -- Challenge or Asset
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Industry Employment and Output Projections to 2020
- North Carolina State University: Computer Science
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Software Developers
Johnny Kilhefner is a writer with a focus on technology, design and marketing. Writing for more than five years, he has contributed to Writer's Weekly, PopMatters, Bridged Design and APMP, among many other outlets.
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