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Service Coordinator Interview Questions

Service coordinators provide a valuable service to many community members such as senior citizens, individuals with special needs and low-income families living in government-assisted housing (see Reference 2). If you are looking to hire a service coordinator, there are some important questions that you should ask to ensure that the service coordinator you hire will be a good fit for the job.
Ask the candidate if he is qualified for the job (see Reference 1). While his resume may speak for itself, the candidate's answer to this question may provide valuable insight in determining if he is the right person for the job. Ask the candidate about the level of schooling he has completed. If he has a college degree, determine whether his degree is suitable enough to have prepared him for a career in service coordination. Also, ask the candidate if he has any special personal skills that may separate him from other candidates. Finally, ask the candidate if he has experience in the service coordination field.
Interpersonal Skills
Ask the candidate about his interpersonal skills. Does he relate well with others? Does he enjoy being around elderly people or people with disabilities? Questions like these will help determine if the candidate is a good choice. Ideally, the candidate will be able not only to assist patients with their disabilities but also to go beyond the call of duty through interaction with patients.
Foreign Languages
Ask the candidate if he is proficient in any foreign languages. Those in need of a service coordinator speak many different languages. If a candidate does speak another foreign language, that candidate may be beneficial in providing services to non-English-speaking patients.
Some businesses and agencies that offer service coordination may not have the necessary funding to provide their employees with transportation to patients' homes. If this is the case, the candidate may have to have his own transportation. Ask the candidate if he has reliable transportation.
Ask the service coordinator candidate what type of plans he would develop for patients with various disabilities and how he would intend to develop those plans (see Reference 1). A service coordinator must provide sufficient and reliable service to his patients yet tailor that service to the specific needs of each individual patient. What special strategies or skills can he offer that will set him apart from other candidates?