Growth Trends for Related Jobs
Listing of WIA Eligible Schools

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is a federally mandated program to support displaced workers, those unhappy with their current positions, youths, veterans and others wanting assistance in procuring their job of choice. The program provides job search and job placement help in addition to skills and career training. While the program is federally backed, it is instituted by local and state government employment agencies.
Qualifications for Trainer Providers
Becoming eligible in a states WIA program requires completing an application and certification process to help ensure the services provided will meet the needs of the local job searching community. While the WIA program is specific to job-related skills, the certified trainers are also responsible for providing career education. The requirement to meet each state's specific certification guidelines must be completed before the provider can be added to the approved WIA training and education list.
Qualifying for WIA
Listing of the eligible WIA approved education providers are available for selection only by those people that meet the WIA program criteria. Most low-income youth between the ages of 14 and 21 are eligible to participate in training and educational programs. Terminated workers unlikely to return to their former employer, those over 18 and even some homemakers and self-employed individuals may be eligible for these benefits.
Search Criteria
Conducting a search of the WIA approved training and educational providers can be streamlined dramatically through search criteria. The program is vast enough, with enough service providers actively promoting their career services that the lists of WIA eligible trainers can be a bit overwhelming (there are over 14,000 in California alone as an example). However, including geographic considerations, desired industries, occupations and other criteria specific to your interests will help to narrow the focus. Also, the Workforce Investment Act allows those interested in pursuing an entirely different profession to do so, and it will provide the support needed to help make the transition.
Where to Find Providers
Locating the list of certified providers is done by visiting each state's employment department website, specifically the workforce investment act area within the site. Being a state-managed program, all WIA-related information, including the list of approved providers, can be found here. Also, many WIA sites have job search and career professionals available to assist in deciding what training and education will be of most benefit. Their role is to help determine what skills are marketable, projected compensation based on current market conditions, and acting as a valuable resource to answer questions and provide guidance.
Tim Brugger has been writing professionally since 1995. He has published newsletters, white papers and informational articles for organizations such as IDS Financial Services, Red Chip Review and Western Independent Bankers. His fiction has also been published online. Brugger majored in business studies at the University of Oregon.