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Questions & Answers for an Asbestos Contractor Supervisor

Asbestos is a hazardous material and proper procedures have to be followed in working on the removal or abatement of this material. If these procedures are not performed in the proper way, the asbestos exposure constitutes a health hazard to people who are exposed to this material. Taking this into account, various states have licensing procedures for asbestos contractor supervisors who handle such projects. There are some frequent questions that come up about the requirements to be an asbestos contractor supervisor.


Typically, states require asbestos contractor supervisors to be licensed. These licensing procedures serve to ensure that the persons working on these projects are competent enough to handle their work. In Louisiana, asbestos contractors are licensed by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s Asbestos Licensing Unit takes care of such matters in Florida. And in New Jersey, the state’s Division of Public Safety is involved in the licensing process.

License Requirements

In Louisiana, an asbestos contractor supervisor should be accredited with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) in order to be eligible for licensing. Florida requires applicants for licensing as asbestos contractor supervisors to have completed at least 10 asbestos projects within the five years previous to the application. In New Jersey too, the state requires applicants to provide evidence of having undertaken full-time asbestos-related work in the five years previous to the application. As well, New Jersey requires asbestos contractor supervisors to be at least 21 years old in order to quality for a license.

Training Requirements

New Jersey requires asbestos contractor supervisor licensees to complete a training course and pass a written examination for asbestos abatement supervisors that the state’s Department of Health and Senior Services approves. In Louisiana, an applicant should take a course from an asbestos training provider that the LDEQ or the Environmental Protection Agency approves. A Florida applicant should pass a training program conducted by a training provider the state approves. The training should include a five-day contractor supervisor course and a three-day respiratory protection course.

Transferability of License

Typically, licenses obtained in one state are not transferable to another state. A person who obtains an asbestos contractor supervisor certification in another state and moves to Florida cannot transfer his license to Florida and has to obtain a Florida license to undertake work in Florida. The state does not have any reciprocal agreements with other states to recognize licenses granted in those states. Therefore, applicants for licensing will have to meet the Florida requirements for licensing.
