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How to Start Beauty Pageants for Kids

While nearly anyone can start a beauty pageant, it is critical to familiarize yourself with the industry before starting this venture. You can get invaluable industry knowledge by competing in, judging and attending pageants, as well as by sponsoring pageant events and contestants. You can also consult online resources and books to learn how to start a beauty pageant for kids.
Establish the criteria for entering your beauty pageant. For example, criteria can include age limits and previous pageant experience. While your beauty pageant is for kids, try to stick with an older age demographic. Older kids, such as preteens and teens, can handle the pressures of pageantry better than very young girls.
Register your pageant with the Secretary of State. You can register as either a non-profit or for-profit business. Either way, you can donate some of the money you make to a cause, if you prefer.
Get sponsors. If possible, approach businesses that are related to pageantry. These businesses can contribute funding or things like refreshments, prizes or a venue. Some possible businesses to approach include beauty salons, hotels, dance studios, modeling agencies, dry cleaners and advertising firms.
Advertise the pageant for kids. You can advertise through your sponsors or other local businesses that cater to your age demographic, through your local newspaper or using low-priced television ads. Be sure the entry fee is mentioned in the ad. The entry fee is paid by all contestants and helps you pay for the pageant.
Use other resources that are available to help get your pageant off the ground. For example, various books and online programs are available to help you start your pageant for kids. This means you don’t have to do it on your own.
Mike Johnson has been working as a writer since 2005, specializing in fitness, health, sports, recreational activities and relationship advice. He has also had short stories published in literary journals such as "First Class Magazine." Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science in education and history from Youngstown State University.