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How to Become a Pageant Judge

Judging beauty pageants can be one of the most entertaining and difficult jobs on earth. Whether you have been a contestant at one time or just an eager onlooker, it is possible for you to become a pageant judge.
Start small. Watch for announcements for local pageants in the newspaper. When you find one, call the number listed and check to see if they need any judges for the pageant. Almost every judge has judged a "Miss Watermelon" type pageant at some time in their career.
Do what you know. If you are an employee in the fashion or beauty industry, use your knowledge to approach pageant directors at local pageants who might be looking for judges. Tell them about your expertise and let them know you are interested in judging one of their pageants in the future.

Use your connections. If you have been a pageant contestant at some point, no doubt you still have friends in the business. Use your connections to ask around about judging opportunities.
Use the internet to connect to pageant websites. There are some sites who even match up judges with pageant directors for free. Register at these sites and keep checking back for opportunities.
Find out how to become a certified judge in your state. Some states offer a class in which you can become a certified judge. The class is usually free and you will be put on a list of judges given to directors of state and local pageants. The best way to find out about these classes is to call your local pageant directors.
Once you have judged a few local pageants, you will be more likely to land jobs at larger state pageants.
- Once you have judged a few local pageants, you will be more likely to land jobs at larger state pageants.
Jennifer Brister a freelance writer located in Northeast Louisiana. She has enjoyed careers as an educator, a nuclear lab technician and a massage therapist. Her writing can be found in several publications, including "The Circle," "Carbon Cotton Magazine" and "Fashion Advantage Magazine." She has been employed as a professional freelance writer for three years.
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