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How to Become a UPS Contractor

If you are a freelance business professional or small business owner, providing services as a contractor for large companies can be extremely lucrative. Acquiring contracts with businesses like UPS can be challenging, but understanding the requirements UPS looks for in its vendors and suppliers and positioning yourself to fulfill the company's needs will give you the best chances of being selected as a supplier. UPS has a Supplier Diversity Process that they use to evaluate and select suppliers from whom they procure a variety of products and services.
Visit UPS's Supplier Diversity Process Web page to gain an understanding of their supplier guidelines as well as a list of the products and services that UPS procures from contractors, vendors and suppliers. Read through the Eligibility Guidelines to ensure that your business is compliant with the requirements UPS has.
Position yourself as a a woman-owned or minority-owned business if that applies to you. UPS is committed to diversity, and this type of minority status certification is required to participate in the Supplier Diversity Process. Contact your state or local government office to apply for certification of your status. Additionally, organizations like the National Association of Minority Contractors and the National Minority Supplier Development Council can provide you with information on certifying your business status.
Apply online to become a supplier for UPS. You will need to provide information about your company, including an overview of your company and the products and/or services you provide, your corporate URL, your projected revenue for the next three years and your annual net income. In the application, you will also state whether or not you are minority-owned, as well as any other certifications your company holds.
Submit your application and wait to be contacted by UPS. Once the company receives your information, they will review your company and decide whether or not there is a need for your services. If there is an immediate need for your services, you will be accepted into the program and contacted for more information. If there is not a need, UPS will keep your information on file for 12 months, after which you can re-apply to the program.
Based in Miami, Kristen Bennett has been writing for business and pleasure since 1999. Bennett's work has appeared online at MarketWatch, The Motley Fool and in several internal company publications. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.