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How to Become a HVAC Dealer

Becoming a heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) dealer can be profitable, once you have gone through the necessary training and have registered as a dealer with a recognized HVAC distributor. Apply for a dealer license through the U.S. Department of Labor, open up a store, and register your company with the Better Business Bureau. Before no time, you will be a certified HVAC dealer.
Contact an HVAC manufacturer like Carrier, Bryant, or Whirlpool, and inquire about installation training. Many of these companies also work as distributors and have dealer programs where they will instruct you on the proper installation of their products, and later, if you apply, contract you as a dealer for their company.
Apply to the United States Department of Labor for a dealer license. Complete all forms and verification information, and submit your application for a dealer license. Once you are approved, you also might want to register your business with the Better Business Bureau, as it will further validate you as a professional dealer in the eyes of both potential customers and HVAC distributors.
Establish your store or dealership in either a physical location or online. A website can be more convenient, if you only plan on making sales and helping with installation, once products have been delivered by a third party distributor. Some companies may allow you to just handle sales and installation, but most will want you to handle delivery as well, which will require you to have a physical store location large enough to house many heating and air conditioning units. Keep this in mind before venturing out to become an HVAC dealer, as it may require an extensive amount of startup capital.
Apply to an HVAC distributor to become a dealer with their company. It would probably be a good idea to apply to the same company from which you received your installation training; if this is not possible, choose the distributor that most compliments your business model, and comply with all of their application requirements. Most distributors require that you have a physical location where you can stock inventory, as delivery of air conditioning systems on demand can be very timely and expensive. Take note in your contractual agreement whether or not you can work freely as a sales affiliate of the company, just securing sales online, or if you will be solely responsible for the delivery and installation of all products.
Simon Breedon has been freelance writing for Newspapers for the past 8 years. He has written for The Washington Informer, Edge Magazine, The Yeti, The FSView and Florida Flambeau Newspaper. He has a BA from Florida State University in Creative non-fiction/ Journalism and a Masters Certification in Editing and Publishing. He is currently attending Law School and studying for a computers science degree.