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How to Be a Wrestling Promoter

Professional Wrestling is an entertainment event that still fills stadiums and raises money for fundraising events around the world. Its status as a sport no longer is hotly debated, but its entertainment value has not gone away. Each event or SmackDown requires an immense amount of planning, marketing and promotion. Skilled event planners can become wrestling promoters in this competitive field.
Gain knowledge
Become a student of the sport. Read biographies, industry magazines, wrestling websites and learn who the major players in the game are today and in the past. Find out who current promoters are in different areas of the country. Attend live events, and note each aspect of the event that makes this form of entertainment possible for the community.
Send a résumé to a current promoter of the sport. Offer to work free as an intern to learn the business. Be willing to wash mats, fetch Gatorade, run errands, whatever it takes to watch the promoter at work. Schedule a meeting with the promoter, and discuss the easiest and most challenging aspects of the sports promoter role.
Gradually offer to assume different responsibilities in planning a wrestling event. Make phone calls to schedule a presentation about a future wrestling event. Write up proposals for future events, including the matchups on the evening fight card. Contact wrestler's agents to discuss involvement in future events. Offer to contact city officials to obtain permits, permission and other requirements necessary for parking, security and vending.
Take community college or university classes if necessary in any area of the business you might feel challenged. Persuasion, communication, English/writing, business management and sales might help you train to be a wrestling sports promoter.
Contact the local wrestling authorities to be advised as to any regulatory agenices that work with sports agents. You might register yourself as an independent contractor free business with the local government. Join as many professional associations and clubs as you can to gain contacts and credibility. As you finish your internship process, you soon will be planning your own events.
Stephen Saylor is a bilingual educator and translator who has been writing since 2005. He has contributed articles to websites such as and XtremeMusic. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Michigan State University and a Master of Arts in education from San Diego State University.